
Levenhuk N38 NG Prepared Slides Set

nuo 28.99 €
Žiūrėti kainas 1 Parduotuvių

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28.99 €

Tikrinta prieš 59 min.

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Panašios prekės (Mikroskopai)

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Prekės aprašymas

Prepared slides set N38 NG Before being examined, samples of any plant or material must undergo a diligent preparation: a very thin slice of the material should be placed on a glass slide and covered with a cover slip. The slides set already contains fully prepared samples of biomaterials so that you can spend more time studying them. The set also contains a number of blank slides and cover slips, allowing you to prepare your own microscope slides. Blank slides and cover slips are made of highly transparent glass and provide the most comfortable observations, with no glare or distortion. Prepared slides, blank slides and cover slips can be used with any microscope model.

* Prekės aprašymas priklauso elektroninei parduotuvei Fotofabrikas.lt